Yes that is right, bath bombs. As known as bath fizzes, but to a child bath bombs. This started as a simple thing, as all projects do. Buy something at the store and then want to figure out how to do it cheaper, and maybe better. So let the search begin.
Found several good ideas on Pinterest, and I'm not sure where I ended up with mine, but it's a cross from several recipes I found on Pinterest and online. I wanted to use ingredients I could find, well that ended up being the challenge. See the main ingredient I needed was citric acid...after doing some research and was suppose to be found with the canning supplies, I went to several stores and nothing. I ended up at Lowes, having done a trusty search and found that my nearby store had in stock, or did they. I arrived and walked the store several times. Canning dept, canning dept...ok I've been in this store a hundred times, where is the canning dept. After giving up my each on my own, I finally asked. My wonderful sales associated found it on their computer and called a few people to find out the canning dept is now in back stock. Meaning they took the stuff they had and shrink wrapped it on a pallet and stuck it way up high on a shelf to collect dust. They didn't question my request, just got to work getting what I needed down and made me a happy person. Now with all my ingredients in we go to make something cool.

All common ingredients baking soda, witch hazel, food color, body oil, fragrance, and of course, citric acid.
I found a body oil with fragrance, so that made my list of items a bit shorted.
How I made them.....
1 part citric acid
2 parts baking soda
Crumble up and make into smooth mixture.
Add body oil, I just eyed it about 1/3 cup
Add a few drops of food color...I used a gel food color which worked fine for me. Avoid the liquid kind, as that will active your fizz.
Squish and mix well...very well.
Now the fun part...take the mixture and put into models, or make into balls which ever you like. Pack them really good, don't need any loose pieces on this. To get it packed really good, spray lightly with witch hazel, just a little but. Remember that liquids activate the fizz..

Oh this is a messy process. If you are a clean freak, you may not enjoy all this.. After you pack this real good, I would suggest the molds, since that worked much better for us. Pop out and start again.

I'm not sure how many we ended up with, but for around $20, we have enough to do this 4 times. It's worth it, and I think they work much better than store bought.
The oil in them leaves your skin super soft....NICE.

Little guy moves fast, which was fun to watch....enjoy

Simply a project I'm sure I'll do again, and gifts heck yes!!! Next time, I'll order my citric acid online, and not bother with the store hunting.